Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ghost in the machine

Ghost in the machine by jdkvirus
Ghost in the machine, a photo by jdkvirus on Flickr.
Of late several of my Flickr photos have made it to Flickr's Explore Page. Flickr Explore is a measure of Interestingness - a word coined and copyrighted by Flickr. It's basically a measure of how interesting your photo is in comparison to all the other photos uploaded on Flickr. Each day Explore selects the top 500 interesting Flickr photos for Explore - creating the Top 500 photos for the day.

It's estimated that about 2 million photos are uploaded daily, so making the TOP 500 is quite an achievement. On the useless information front, Flickr currently has over 5.6 billion images in it's database!

To date 33 of my photos have made Explore, and one of the images has made it to the Flickr Explore Front Page. To determine  whether any of your Flickr photos have been in Explore, use the Scout tool at BigHugeLabs.com.

I have been looking critically at some of my photos that have made Explore in an attempt to inform future photographs. There are blogs out there that suggest ways to get your photos into Explore, although in reality you have to start with a good image.

The bulk of my Explore'd shots are macros and most include flowers.

Looking at the non-macro shots, like birds or insects, one of the common denominators seems to be an appealing background.

With this in mind I have specifically shot my latest photo (the one at the top of the page) with what I hope is a visually appealing background! Now the work begins of getting this image noticed with the hope and aim of it being selected for Explore!

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