Sunday, March 4, 2012

526, 525, 524......

It's clear from the title of this post that I am counting down to something. If I were counting days, 526 would be a lot - more than a year. I am in fact counting down the number of views required for me to reach 100,000 views of my photos on my Flickr photostream.

Flickr is a photo and video sharing site and online community owned by Yahoo. It was started in 2004 by Ludicorp and bought by Yahoo in 2005. In 2011 the site had 51 Million users, and as I write this, Flickr is approaching it's 7 billionth upload. I joined Flickr in May 2008 and currently have 1,178 items on my Flickr photostream.

The site has an interestingness algorithm which ranks one's photos based on a variety of factors - number of views, comments and fav's as well as a range of hidden attributes. Each day the top 500 interesting photos or videos make the Explore pages.

So, you may ask, how long will it take me to accrue the 526 views? On an average day I receive about 70 views. The views often come from internal flickr users or external searchers.

Ironically my most viewed photo is one I took using my cellphone! I took the photo while on a business trip in Uganda. This picture is of my lunch - a whole deep fried Tilapia! This image is viewed on average 10 times a week. Digging a bit deeper into the search term history it seems that most people are looking for a recipe. To help these people out a posted a recipe onto one of my older (now pretty much defunct) blogs. The recipe blog post is also quite popular - over 600 views in 2 years.

Deep Fried Whole Tilapia

Titles can all be deceiving to search engines. The image below must shock some interior design people searching for pictures of purple wallpaper! This Image is viewed on average 8 times per week. The spider is a Flower Crab Spider (Thomisus citrinellus) on a purple daisy.

My home has purple wallpaper

My most interesting photo according to the Flickr Interestingness Algorithm is also one of my favourite photos I have ever taken. I photographed the bee below in flight using a tripod mounted Canon 50D, with a Canon 100mm macro lens. Focus was achieved manually and photos were shot using a remote switch. I was focussing with my right hand and shooting with my left. The bees were feeding on an aloe. I shot about 700 exposures and ended up with 15 usable shots (i.e. those with good focus, exposure and composition). This photo made it to 12th position on Flickr Explore. Overall the photoshoot has been my most profitable - the photo below is available as a postcard from and another from the series won a competition in the South African "Good Taste" Magazine.


Speaking of Flickr Explore. I have 1 photo that has made it to the front page of Explore on the Flickr site. I shot the picture of a Speke's Weaver male is full breeding colours trying to woo a mate at the Nakuru National Park. I was visiting the park with my parents and we had just enjoyed lunch at the Sarova Lion Hill Hotel. For this photo I was using a Canon 50D with a Canon EF 100-400mm lens. The lighting for the shot was near perfect, and a wide aperture created a great soft background.

Speke's Weaver (Ploceus spekei) - Explore'd

I could keep going and show you more of my favourite photos and tell you their back stories, although this post is probably already on the long side. If however you would like to see more of my work and also help me to get to 100,000 views why don't you check out some of my photos. Follow the links below to see a variety of my photo collections:

Photos that have made Flickr Explore

White & Yellow Daisy

Masai Mara Safari

Kenya Birds

1 comment:

  1. I passed the 100,000 view mark on Sunday 11th March!
