Thursday, March 1, 2012

Catching up!

At least 8 months have passed since I lasted posted on this blog! It's pretty much dead in the water, it's scant readership absorbed in other people's musings and ramblings no doubt. I just spent the last hour or so reading the 16 posts that make up the blog as it currently stands. In some respects in feels like I am reading someone else's work, but I guess that's what happens when almost a year passes between stopping writing and starting again?

I've titled this post catching up as it feels like I owe it to the blog (and it's readers present or future) to fill in the gap between 9 May 2011 and today 1 March 2012. To say a lot has happened is probably an understatement, it feels like everything has changed!

I suppose it's best to start at the beginning and to take it from there. It started with a business trip to South Africa. I used the opportunity to visit a doctor to check-out a lower back injury that was causing unbearable pain in my lower right leg. An MRI revealed that I had a ruptured disc and a 2nd one close to rupture. My doctor recommended a conservative approach - bed rest with physiotherapy. What should have been a 3 day hospital stay eventually turned into a 2 week stay! First there were blood pressure issues, then some adverse drug reactions and also a persistent chest pain that was eventually diagnosed as a pulmonary embolism.

In the end my 1 week business trip turned into a 2 month trip. I eventually made it back to Kenya at the end of July. I was back, but not to stay. I was being repatriated to South Africa. In the end we left Kenya at the end of September a few days before October 2011.

Getting back into life in South Africa has been a 5 month adjustment that doesn't feel like it's over yet. Not only have I changed countries, I have changed jobs, cities and houses. It also feels like I have changed direction!

I can probably expand each of the changes into a blog post or two and maybe I will in future, but I feel like the blog is "caught up" and that hopefully I can move forward again from here.

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